Ductwork Supplies And Installations For Leisure Facilities
Ductwork, Design & Installation have worked on multiple sports halls, leisure facilities & swimming pools etc, both new build and retro works to existing buildings, compliant with DW144 Specification.
While most ductwork and ventilation system work to sports halls etc are straight forward installations, systems associated with swimming pools require additional careful consideration with regards the duct type / construction and finish.
This is due to the highly corrosive nature and micro climates which are found in most swimming pools.
This too and more importantly extends to the duct supplies and support systems.
Inadequate consideration to the ductwork and its supports can lead to failure with the potential of causing damage or worse still – injury.
Stainless Steel Ducting
It is a misconception that stainless steel is the material of choice with regards to swimming pool installations as it does not rust. However, Stainless is in fact susceptible to stress corrosion cracking which is invisible to the eye but results in failure due to fracturing of the stainless material. Although the design of the ductwork & supports for swimming pools is the responsibility of the system designer, mistakes are made.
We have many years experience in this area and a very strong duty of care to our clients and are only too happy to provide guidance where necessary being the specialist contractor.